Punarbal Plus
Punarbal Plus is a Nepalese organization founded in 2007. Its goal is to provide care and education to children affected by HIV.
Punarbal Plus
Punarbal Plus is a Nepalese organization founded in 2007. Its goal is to provide care and education to children affected by HIV.
The Punarbal Plus project has three components: medical and psychological care, schooling, and finally, raising awareness among the population.
Located in Kathmandu, the Punarbal shelter houses 35 children and adolescents who have lost both parents to AIDS. Coming from different villages in Nepal, these orphans are themselves carriers of HIV and suffer from poor health. Often rejected by their families, they are subject to great social exclusion.
At the Punarbal centre, these HIV-positive children and adolescents receive medical care and psychological support. They grow up in a safe environment adapted to their needs. The youngest go to school, and the older ones receive vocational training in order to become financially independent.
Finally, the Punarbal Plus team devotes part of its activities to informing the Nepalese population about HIV and the rights of HIV-positive children.